28 March 2022
Nus Ece & Idp Lab Tour Cover

NUS ECE & iDP Lab Tour 2022

The ECE department organized and conducted an ECE and iDP Lab Tour on 12 March 2022. More than 30 students from various junior colleges and polytechnic students participated in the lab tour on a Saturday afternoon from 2 pm to 4.30 pm. Participants were divided into different teams for visits to the different labs in rotation and each team was made up of small groups of 2 to 4 participants led by an ECE student who played the role of a mentor and buddy.

The participants visited the world-class NUS Satellite Technology and Research Centre (STAR Centre) and learned about satellite programs in ECE-STAR, Engineering Model and Satellite operations (Mission Control), and Assembly, Integration, and Testing of Satellites. The participants also visited the E6 Nano Fab Lab where they had the opportunity to explore the state-of-art nanofabrication facilities for making microchips. Besides that, they were able to experience how NUS ECE students build their search and rescue robots using electrical circuits, sensors, and embedded systems during their visit to the Digital and Applications Lab (DSA Lab).

Lastly, the participants were able to experience and understand more about the Innovation and Design Program (iDP) with a visit to the iDP Fabrication Lab where they interacted with ECE iDP students who enthusiastically share how they practice and hone their hands-on skills in their various innovations projects such as Mars Rover, VRI Tests, Alpha Battery, etc.

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