12 July 2019
Prof. Hong Minghui

Professor Minghui Hong – Vice President of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) for 2019/2021 Session

Prof. Hong Minghui

Professor Minghui Hong was elected as a Vice President of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) for 2019/2021 session, following its recent VP election. He was a council member for IES session 2018/2019.

Prof. Minghui Hong is a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. Prof. Hong is Fellow of Academy of Engineering, Singapore (FSEng), Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA), Fellow of International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), and Founding Fellow and Vice President of International Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE).  He is also a Fellow of IES.  Professor Minghui Hong specializes in laser microprocessing & nanofabrication, optical engineering and applications. He has co-authored 15 book chapters, 24 patents granted, and more than 400 scientific papers in Nature, Chemical Reviews, Nature Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters and ACS Nano, etc. Prof. Hong is invited to serve as an Editor of Light: Science and Applications, Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports, Associate Editor of Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Editor of Laser Micro/nanoengineering, and Executive Editor-in-Chief of Opto-Electronic Advances. He is also the Chairman of an NUS spin-off company Phaos Technology Pte. Ltd.

About the Institution of Engineers:

The Institution of Engineers (Singapore, IES) was formally established in 1966. IES is the premier engineering Institution in Singapore and is often called upon by the Government to provide feedback on professional engineering matters. IES is well represented among the faculty members of the major engineering institutions of higher learning in Singapore. The Institution maintains close links with professional organizations of engineers regionally and throughout the world. These include organisations in Australia, China, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States. IES obtained full signatory status in the Washington Accord (WA) in June 2006. The entry grants IES the authority to represent Singapore, the first country within the ASEAN region which has obtained full signatory status in the WA, to vet education systems under the WA mutual recognition framework.

IES emphasizes the core values of integrity, professionalism, passion and social responsibility. It is devoted to promote the sustainable development of engineers and promote the scientific, humanistic and professional development in the engineering field.

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