Spin and Energy Lab

Spin and Energy Lab (SEL) was established in 2011 with an initial investment of around S$13M to set up a new 10K cleanroom research facility. It was funded by grants from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore and Singapore Economic Development Board. SEL’s main objective is to acquire new knowledge and advance research in the areas of spintronics and optoelectronics. The main R&D focus of SEL lies in the materials components, processes and systems for spin based memory and logic devices and the optoelectronic devices and their systems. SEL also aims to transfer technology and further disseminate knowledge to the society and industry through collaborative research and projects, short courses and seminars.


Spintronics Optoelectronics
  • Spin-based memory and logic devices (STT-MRAM, SOT-MRAM)
  • THz devices
  • Magnon devices
  • Topological material based spin devices
  • Quantum sensors and devices
  • Spin-based unconventional computing
  • Chip-based nonlinear optics (lithium niobate and barium titanate)
  • Chip-based optical computation
  • Ising computers
  • Novel optoelectronics materials


The lab has a wide-range of facilities and instrumentation for the fabrication, patterning and processing of various devices as well as measurement and characterization tools for cutting edge research in the field of nanotechnology.

Principal Investigators:

Professor Yang Hyunsoo (Lab supervisor)

Associate Professor Aaron Danner (Lab co-supervisor)


Laboratory Technologist: Ms Habeebunnisa
Research Associate: Ramana Murthy
Contact number: +65 65166538

Lab Location:

Spin and Energy Lab
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Block E4A, Level 5, Room 03
3 Engineering Drive 3
Singapore 117582