NG, Vivian


A/P Vivian Ng graduated with a First Class honours in Physics from Imperial College London, after which she obtained her PhD in microelectronics in the University of Cambridge where she worked on Coulomb blockade devices. In 1997, she joined the National University of Singapore and worked on developing nanofabrication techniques and nanosphere lithography, as well as studying nanocrystals/nanomagnets in oxide, thin film magnetism and tunneling devices. She has authored and co-authored more than 80 international journal and conference papers. Her work on nanosphere lithography has led to invited talks as well as invitation for contribution to a book chapter on the topic. Her students have won Best Poster competitions at international conferences and Best Paper award in IEEE Region 10 paper award.

A/P Ng has been the principal investigator of several grants, including a major grant of ~S$9.4M from the Agency of Science, Technology and Research and Ministry of Education, Singapore. She led major efforts to set up the Information Storage Materials Laboratory and the Nanotechnology Facility in the NUS. This is one of the first facilities in the NUS with the capabilities of nanostructure fabrication.

A/P Ng is a Member of Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers and has also been actively involved in organization and program committees of several international conferences such as INTERMAG, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, IEEE NANO and NSTI Nanotech.

A/P Ng has also served in various appointments in the university. At the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, she served as Associate Head (Student Life) and set up the student life office in 2013. She took on the role of Deputy Head (Undergraduate Programs and Student Life) in 2014-2017 and subsequently Vice Dean of Students at the university’s Office of Student Affairs in 2017-2019.