XIANG, Cheng


Area Director (Control, Intelligent Systems & Robotics)

Xiang Cheng is the Associate Professor with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the National University of Singapore. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Yale University in 1995 and 2000, respectively., and the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Fudan University, China in 1991. From 2000 to 2001 he was a financial engineer at Fannie Mae, Washington D.C. U.S.A. He has been with the National University of Singapore since 2001.

His research interests include pattern recognition, intelligent control and systems biology. Prof. Xiang has published many papers in the premier journals and conferences, managed/completed several projects on pattern recognition and intelligent systems funded by NUS ARF. His research work has made significant impact and has been well cited by others.

Prof. Xiang has been very active in various services to International Academic Community. He currently serves as the chairman of IEEE Singapore Control Systems Chapter.