Social media Links

Telegram Group

Cohort Representatives set up Telegram Groups for their respective cohorts for them to disseminate important real-time updates on upcoming events, important announcements, and engaging activities. This platform provides a good opportunity for fellow students to stay connected and share ideas.


A few seniors set up a Facebook Cohort Group to help freshmen ease into University lives quickly and smoothly. These seniors, who are also the administrators of the Facebook Cohort Group, will act as resource people whom freshmen can approach for valuable and useful pieces of advice. This platform provides great opportunity for freshmen to form new friendships with seniors and peers.

For 2018/19 intake, you can join the group here.

For 2017/18 intake, you can join the group here.

For 2016/17 intake, you can join the group here.

For 2015/16 intake, you can join the group here.

For 2014/15 intake, you can join the group here.

For 2013/14 intake, you can join here.

For 2012/13 intake, you can join here.

For Alumni, you can join here.

For Alumni and Current Students, you can join here on LinkedIn.